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Difficulty:  High
Group Size:  2-8

   Not content with the monotony of farming and fishing that consumed your days, your nights were filled with dreams of raiding and sailing to the unknown. As a landless, youngest child, you hungered for fame and adventure as much as you hungered for food or breath. You were a viking in name and blood and the call to glory flowed deeply through your veins.     So, when the news came of the famous Ragnar Lodbrok’s visit to your quiet fishing village, you were the first in line to offer him drink and hear his sagas of raiding and pillaging. In two days time, Ragnar would again set out to sea and you hoped to sail off alongside him.  

   First you had to pay a visit to the Seeress. Though you feared the Seeress, as did many others, you knew she had the power and knowledge to foresee the future - before you could leave your family and old life behind you needed to know if following Ragnar would bring you the glory that you so desired.

   The Seeress began singing and ecstatically playing drums. The music was meant to attract the spirits that would commune with her. As the song faded, you eagerly awaited the foretelling of your fate. Still in a trance, the Seeress said “Fame and glory is what you seek, but Valhalla does not await you.” Devastated, you begged her to read your fate again and again, but the answer was always the same.

   Determined to change your destiny, the next morning when Ragnar climbed aboard his long boat to set sail to unknown lands, you and several of your malcontented brethren were there alongside him. The sea air and speed of his long boat quickly washed away any lingering fear brought on by the Seeress’s prophecy. With your sword and axe in hand, you would carve out your own destiny. You were determined to follow Ragnar and fight bravely by his side. As long as you died in battle with your sword in hand, you were promised to be taken to Valhalla to sit by the side of Odin, the All-Father.

   But, you should have listened to the Seeress. Maybe then you and your brethren would not be tied up, sitting in a pen with pigs and goats, and waiting to be traded as slaves in the morning. The battle was glorious, but - alas you are no Ragnar Lodbrok. In shame, you were beaten...your sword was taken....and the gold you guarded for Ragnar now sits with the victors waiting to be tossed into a lake as an offering to Tyr, the God of War. The feasting and celebration carried on through most of the night, but your captors have finally fallen asleep. The sun is peaking up on the horizon and you know your one and only chance of escape is fading. 

   You have 60 minutes to unlock from your chains, recover your stolen gold and swords and escape. Otherwise, the halls of Valhalla will be closed to you forever!

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